The Generous Heart
Proverbs 22:9

What does it mean to be truly generous?  We often read about people and organizations that contribute thousands of dollars to various causes.  We receive solicitations in our mail and email asking for our generous support.  We know from scripture that God loves a giving heart, so we of course want to do what we can to please Him, in thanks for all He's given us.  But what is behind a generous spirit?

Generosity is shared.  Many give only to ease their own conscience.  They feel that if they pay, the problem will go away.  But if that's all that is done, there is a blessing being missed out on.  Those that are called to generosity will go beyond just a financial gift.  They will learn more about who they are giving to, whether it's finding out about the charity or getting to know the person they are helping.  They will desire to share in the burden in whatever way they can, physically, emotionally, or spiritually through prayer.  In the proverb, the generous man shares his gift, he doesn't simply drop it off

Generosity is a sacrifice.  The story is told in the scriptures of the Pharisees who gave lots of money, thinking that they were being generous.  But they were outgiven by a widow who only had two small coins to offer in service to God.  Giving what we can't or won't use is just common sense.  Giving what we can use, like money, food, or time shows that we care for others as much as we care for ourselves.  In the proverb, the generous man gives bread that he could just as easily saved for himself to eat.

Generosity is needed.  To give to those that already have may earn their favor, but it is not necessarily the best use of our gift.  A few verses down we read that giving to the rich can lead to poverty for the giver, especially as they may feel more is needed to make the gift "count".  But to those in need, generosity is the hand of God helping them through a difficult time.  In the proverb, the generous man gives not to his peers, but to the poor.

True generosity is best modeled in the greatest gift God has given.  God sent His Son, who shared our life with us, sacrificing His very life to give us an atonement we so desperately needed.  As we see needs in the world around us, and as others make their needs known to us, let us not settle for tossing a couple of dollars to ease our minds and silence the cry, but let's seek to give with a generous spirit in money, time, or prayer, and see the blessings God will give as He allows us to be part of His work!

Father, thank you for the generous gift you have given us.  Thank you for the talents and resources you have provided for us to give.  Give us a heart for generosity, a desire to love those we are giving to.  Help us to share our gifts in your spirit, knowing there is so much more than just a single act of giving.  In Jesus' name, amen.

​​​​​Weekly Devotional